Welcome to the 1st holistic solo & partnerdance school in The Netherlands founded by Laili Reinders.
Where the power of collaboration dances through every endeavor.
Welcome to Nurlaili Co-Creations
Here, we celebrate the beauty of partnership,
the strength of shared dreams, and the joy of collective achievements.
I invite you to join us on this inspiring journey of co-creation,
where together, we’ll dance through life’s challenges and make every step count!
Let’s create something extraordinary, hand in hand.

Van Eenzame Strijd naar Krachtige Verbinding: Mijn Reis naar een Nieuwe Dansmissie
De afgelopen tijd heb ik veel tijd genomen om naar binnen te keren en te reflecteren. Een belangrijk deel van mijn persoonlijke reis is het leren uitzenden van alles wat ik ben en wat ik te bieden heb. Ik heb geleerd dat het niet alleen draait om de kennis die ik in mijn lichaam en geest draag, maar ook om het durven delen daarvan met anderen. Ik wil mijn energie en mijn visie niet alleen voor mezelf houden, maar uitdragen, zodat ik niet alleen kan inspireren, maar ook kan bijdragen aan het groeiende netwerk van dansers die samen willen werken ... verder lezen ...
As an experience-expert in (neuro)psychology & dance of over 20 years, I am convinced that “Dance & Movement ” is medicine for the mind and body. I am determined that making mistakes in dance & life are a must! As long as you learn to fix, co-create and keep moving with dedication, any change or goal is in reach.
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”
I strive to make an impact in the world by being a safe haven for non-linear thinkers and neurodiverse unique brains and by creating a vibrant all-inclusive community where everyone, regardless of experience or background, can explore their creativity and connect & play with others. I want to be a support & guide for those who are disoriented, lost or simply looking for their tribe.
“All dance is medicine.”
Nurlaili Co-Creations was founded after burn-out and existential depressions.
After 20 years of fighting chronic illness and complex-trauma, I realized that I couldn’t achieve my dreams alone.
Instead of succumbing to my condition and accepting a life defined by disability, I chose to rise above.
I envisioned a world where limitations could be transcended through cooperation and synergy.
And thus, Nurlaili Co-Creations was born!
My company is a testament to the human spirit’s ability to overcome adversity. My vision was to create a platform where like-minded individuals could come together, hand in hand, to co-create and pursue their passions. Through collaborative efforts, we will turn dreams into reality, both on the dance floor and in life.
Be part of the dance journey
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